Massage therapy of all disciplines provides numerous benefits for our Milton clients. Here is a brief description of the benefits and the reasons why massage therapy can be so effective.
Physical Benefits of Massage
- • Massage can relieve pain, stiffness and discomfort: Massage is a direct form of therapy which goes to exactly where the issues reside. By dealing with the problems directly and naturally, without the use of medication, the muscles are not only relieved but can be brought back to the time before the issue arose.
- • Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues and consists of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and/or causing movement of or to the body.
- • Can Increase mobility: Years of repetitive activity can cause restrictions and scar tissue in the muscles which limits your range of motion. By performing a variety of massage techniques and stretches, the muscles ‘let go’ and begin to increase their range of motion.
- • Can Improve circulation: The circulatory system is intertwined with the muscles. Thus, restoring the proper function of the muscles opens up the blood vessels and increases blood flow; a very important part of any well-functioning body.
- • Can Promote relaxation: A well-functioning muscular and circulatory system free of physical tension indicates to the mind that things are going well. When your body feels relaxed the brain receives signals that positive chemicals should be released, thus increasing the well-being of both body and mind.
Psychological Benefits of Massage
- • Can Decrease anxiety: Anxiety is a physiological issue but the body often houses anxiety in its muscle structure. By clearing the pathways and realigning the muscles your mind is told by your body that the physical cues which indicate anxiety have been removed. This cuts the vicious cycle of anxiety creating physical manifestations and those manifestations feeding back into the feeling of anxiety.
- • Can Enhance the quality of your sleep: Many therapies promote relaxation which has a lasting effect on the client. Removing the deeply imbedded stresses in your body allows for a more pleasant sleep as the tensions associated with daily life appear more manageable.
- • Can Improve concentration: A relaxed body is essential for a relaxed mind. By removing stress from the fascia and improving circulation the body is able to focus on the task at hand instead of being preoccupied with its internal and unconscious issues.